Camp Cooby, Queensland’s most progressive outdoor education centre. http://www.campcooby.com.au/
Strategenics support MindWare with innovation and business transformation http://strategenics.com.au/
TAG Clinic is a collaborative approach to achieve the best outcome for your child http://tagclinic.com.au
Cool Apps
Smiling Minds: Mindfulness Online and Apps across the lifespan http://smilingmind.com.au/
ACT Companion: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy App for Adults https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/act-companion-happiness-trap/id668468577?mt=8
Breathe: Focus on your breath and help calm the body: http://au.reachout.com/reachout-breathe-app
CBT for Kids App: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/cbt-tools-for-kids/id596804744?mt=8
PTSD Coach Australia, developed by Department of Veteran Affairs but applicable for anyone experiencing PTSD: Mobile PTSD APP for Adults http://at-ease.dva.gov.au/veterans/resources/mobile-apps/ptsd-coach/
Operation Life, developed by Department of Veteran Affairs to provide a mobile app to help with suicidal thoughts. http://at-ease.dva.gov.au/veterans/resources/mobile-apps/op-life-app/
Stress Management App: High Res App, developed by Department of Veteran Affairs to help manage daily life stressors. http://at-ease.dva.gov.au/veterans/resources/mobile-apps/high-res-app/
Life Flex: Therapy Wellness Wearables combined with e-therapy https://lifeflex.fedehealth.org.au/
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy ToolKit http://www.thriveport.com/
Fitness motivation https://jawbone.com/support/articles/000001027/download-the-app
Internet delivered CBT for depression and anxiety https://thiswayup.org.au/how-we-can-help/apps/
Support on how to check in with a friend you are worried about https://www.youthbeyondblue.com/help-someone-you-know/thecheckin
Fun and easy things to do to cope with a http://www.emhprac.org.au/services/breakup-shakeup/
A personalised 6 week program that’s focused on improving mood, energy and wellbeing by putting in place good sleep/wake patterns http://au.reachout.com/recharge-sleep-app
The eSense provides you in various ways with exact feedback about your momentary stress level, e.g. with measurement curves, video display and audio feedback features. https://www.mindfield.de/en/Biofeedback/Products/Mindfield%C2%AE-eSense-Skin-Response.html
A fun fitness game, using zombies… of course we love it! https://zombiesrungame.com/
ABC All in the Mind http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/allinthemind/
Psychology and Eating: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/psychology-of-eating/id987724897?mt=2
Shrink Rap Radio by David Van Nuys, Ph.D. He is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Sonoma State University: http://shrinkrapradio.com/
ACT: Turning Hurt to Hope http://webtalkradio.net/internet-talk-radio/act-taking-hurt-to-hope/
DR Kenny on ADHD: https://www.drkenny.com/adhd-podcast
Tony Attwood ASD Podcast: http://www.different-together.co.uk/podcasts and Richard Fidler ABC http://www.abc.net.au/local/stories/2013/01/30/3679462.htm
Go to site for Australian Reviewed Resources: https://au.reachout.com/sites/thetoolbox
Dan Siegel: Flippling the Lid Neuro Science Brain Video for Parents (and everyone): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vESKrzvgA40
3D Brain http://www.g2conline.org/
Russ Harris: ACT Resources http://thehappinesstrap.com/free_resources
CBT Sheets: http://psychology.tools/
Psychology Toolkit for Clients: http://www.blackdoginstitute.org.au/healthprofessionals/resources/thepsychologicaltoolkit.cfm
Worksheets at Home: http://www.getselfhelp.co.uk/freedownloads2.htm
Trusted Mental Health Online Information and & Online Programs: http://www.mindhealthconnect.org.au/
Self Help Online For Mental Health: https://beacon.anu.edu.au/
Brave Online Anxiety Program for Children: http://www.brave-online.com/
Therapy Workbooks: http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/consumers.cfm
Russ Harris: Happiness Trap: http://www.thehappinesstrap.com/
Dan Siegel (all of them): http://www.drdansiegel.com/books_and_more/
Bruce Perry (Attachment): http://teacher.scholastic.com/professional/bruceperry/index.htm
10 Mindful Minutes (Mindfulness for Parents): http://www.amazon.com/Mindful-Minutes-Children-Ourselves-Emotional/dp/0399537724
Mindfulness Colouring in for Children: http://www.education.com/worksheets/mandalas/
Mindfulness Colouring in for Adults: http://www.muminthemadhouse.com/free-colouring-pages-for-adults/
Mindfulness audio (free): http://www.insightmeditationaustralia.org/audio.html
Social Story for visiting MindWare (feel free to personalise): Visiting Barb_Social story
Support for people with eating disorders and body image issues: Butterfly Foundation.
MindWare is proud to be on the referral database for Butterfly Foundation.
Mindfulness Colouring in for Adults: http://www.muminthemadhouse.com/free-colouring-pages-for-adults/
An EEG headband for focus http://www.thinkmelon.com/
Use audio and visual feedback to externalise your body’s changing stress levels https://thepip.com/en-au/
National Disability Insurance Service (NDIS) is a new way to help people under 65 with disability get care and supports. The NDIS also helps families and carers with information about services to support people with disability. When people get help from the NDIS they can enjoy an ordinary life now and as their life changes. https://www.ndis.gov.au/index.html